Thursday, July 24, 2008

Don't meltdown your AC!!

As the summer heats up and the AC is pumping, don't forget to check your filters and change them out every 60-90 days! We saw an unfortunate situation today where the filter was so dirty that it froze the AC and created a major meltdown, flooding the attic space and creating massive leakage from the ceiling to the floor. It was not a fun mess to clean up.

Filters are essential in the battle against germs, bacteria and dust, but they can also prevent air from flowing out if you don't change them out frequently. Once they are clogged, cold air will circulate inside the unit and freeze it like an ice cube. Once the AC shuts off, the ice will melt and create all sorts of problems. At least this is what happened today.

In our busy lives we forget the little things but changing your filters is definitely one to set up on your calendar as a repeat event. Filters super cheap at $4-5 bucks each. By 5 or 10 of them! Trust me! You will save yourself at least $300 and a lot of energy and time!!

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